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Jimage5913ollytots aims to help children build a foundation of security and stability, whilst playing in a caring and creative environment. Each child will be given individual attention because of the high ratio of adults to children (1 adult – 3 children – this is a legal requirement).

Jollytots accepts children from birth to 10 years – children in nappies are always welcome but encouraged to bring their own nappies and wipes. We are proud to welcome children from all ethnic backgrounds and we encourage parents to get involved with sharing their cultural differences.

image5828All children with additional needs are most welcome as long as the group is able to fulfil their requirements and support their development. Jollytots has a non-smoking and anti smacking policy in all the groups.

We have an open-door policy. Parents are welcome to come along and visit their children at any time as long as it does not affect/upset any of the other children in the group.

Jollytots believes that parents play a very large part in the success of their child’s development and therefore encourages a working partnership. This includes discussing any problems that they may have with the leaders concerned. Should a satisfactory solution not be reached, then all parents are welcome to contact either Vanessa on 0208 386 6897or Ofsted direct.

Jollytots believes that:-

  • All children are unique and should be treated accordingly.
  • That a child’s first educational experience is a lasting one.
  • That from a happy background, success grows.

TYPICAL DAYimage5770

This would be a typical session mainly for the older children. Babies have individual routines.

7.30 – 9.00am Breakfast club
9.00am – 10.30am Free play time which ends in a tidy up time
10.30am - 11.00am Drink and snack time
11.00am Toilet time and nappy changing
11.15am Theme activity time; e.g. painting and sticking for the older ones
11.40am Outdoor play, babies go out in their buggies
11.55am Story time
12.00pm Lunch time for the babies, Free play for the older ones
12.45 – 1.00pm Lunch time for the older ones, free play for the babies
1.30pm Outdoor play
2.00pm Singing time and Fruit time/Nappy and Toilet time
2.30pm Creative play time
3.00pm Free Play as per individual child’s request as the children start to go home.
4.30pm Supper Time/Toilet Time
5.00pm Free Play Time



We encourage all parents to bring in their own freshly cooked food during the weaning process as we feel that this is safest for the babies as they will be more used to parents home cooked food. If this is a problem then please discuss and we will provide food for you.

We offer a hot cooked lunch. If your child is due to enrol in an afternoon session, then please visit during lunch time at least once to make sure you are happy with the way the meals are being delivered. All groups provide fruit for dessert. All meat served is kosher and never mixed with milk in order to cater for our Jewish and Asian clients. If you have any other group2dietry requirement then please speak to us as we will happily fulfil this also.

Supper:- Parents provide their own supper.

Water is available in individually allocated beakers throughout the day.

Milk bottles are given at set times according to the individual child’s needs.


General Policy Statement Parental Involvement Policy Working in Partnership

Ofsted No.129941

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Jollytots, 138 Whitehouse Avenue, Borehamwood, Herts. WD6 1HE

Telephone: 020 8386 6897 Email:

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